Craigslist Directory Structure

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Directories (Working and Public)--------------
|--- nnn.swf <-- start with the first unused number,
|--- nnn <-- created by sothink when use
| | default directory (flash/)
| |--- Image
| | |--- raw ---> paste all in nnn.png and move over to page folder

|--- styleName_bg#_cc#_seq#.htm <--- constantcontact exports
|--- nnn.png <--- bgpage.png for slicing
|--- nnn-n.png <--- instances of sliced_bgpage.png
|--- nnn-n.htm <--- FW exported htm
|--- nnn-ncccm.htm<--- finished posting page
| * bg: nnn_n, cc: ccc, marketingtips: m
| |--- images <-- FW exported image slices
| | |--- nnn-n_c1_r1_.jpg (bgpage slice images, only in jpg)
|--- library
|--- 600bn.gif 450bn.gif 300bn.gif (all gif in trasparent mode)
|--- 450pic.gif 300pic.gif 150pic.gif 100pic.gif