Wednesday, August 20, 2008
CC html to Craigslist html Patch
Creating cc html-----------------------------
Extract the entire cc page simply by coping the entire wrapper "divRoot" tag.
Place this "divRoot" tag inside the Banner slice table center td tag.
Add Outer Table Tag-----------------------------
In order to place cc.html at the center of the screen, the following table tag outside (on top or below) of the cc.html.
(Opt.) Anti Spam Assasin------------------------------
Dark bg, white lettering--------------------------
inside the outer most <> tag
Only 16 colors are recognized by font tag
(Opt.) Dash Coupon Box-----------------------------------
To make the Dash line visible, insert
style="border: 2px dashed rgb(154, 89, 115); margin-top: 6px;"
< bgcolor="#000000" border="0" bordercolor="#570000">
Realign image left or right-----------------------
the p tag inside the Craigslist interrupts float, either place the image and text a table td; or make sure the text and image are not separated by the p tag, and use br tag to form paragraph.
Enable the Page BG image-----------------------
The following table has to be inserted outside of the cc html, to add page background. Selecting the appropriate seamless bg image from the library to change the appearance.